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영어취업 영어 인터뷰 예상질문&답변

작성자 : career 2011-12-28 조회 : 3929
Q. How would you describe your style now? 

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요.

The first three words that come to me are casual, simple, and comfortable. I usually buy simple lothes. Most of the time I wear T-shirts and jeans. I have a lot of jeans and different colors of T-shirts in my closet. If I have to dress up I usually wear a simple black suit or a dress. I don't wear accessories.

Q. How do you spend your weekends?

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

On weekends, I usually spend time with my family, going to movies or going out to eat. I also do a week's worth of washing, cleaning, and shopping. I love to invite friends to dinner and cook. It relieves the stress of work.

Q. Tell me what your worst habit is.

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

My worst habit is probably the telephone. I know people who are really good at having a five-minute conversation but I can't do that. If it's a friend, I want to talk for an hour. I spend a lot of time on the phone.

Q. Tell me in detail about your best friends.

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

One of my best friends is OO. She's very mature, sensible, and she always gives me good advice when I need it. She is also very generous. She always gives her friends help when they need it. For example, the moment she found out I was sick last winter, she came and cooked dinner for me.

Q. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

I'm a quick learner in learing languages, but my computer experience is somewhat limited. However, I recently took a weeklong training program on using the MAC and I'm looking forward to building on the skills I learned.

Q. Tell me why I should hire you.

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

I think you should hire me because I have the skills you need in this marketing support position. My technical skills exactly match the requirements as I've been using your software in my co- op job. Also my interpersonal skills are strong as a result of my student government experience.

Q. In your opinion, what makes a happy marriage?

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

I think a good marriage is based on mutual respect and trust with a lot of sharing, communication, and giving. If you can't express your feelings, your marriage will suffer. It's important to communicate effectively and to understand the needs of another. A good marriage frees you to be more successful in your work. All the successful people I've known have had their personal lives in order. So a happy marriage is worth the effort.

Q. Tell me what your extracurricular activities in school

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I did join the social service club. We often have visited children's houses and old people's houses. I met many kinds of people. I came to realize that it's very important to help poor people living here and there.

Q. Where you see yourself in five years?

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Five years seems like a long time. I can see myself as a programming analyst in two years. Five years from now, I might be a software developer or a systems analyst. I won't know which direction I want to take until I've been in the field for a while.

Q. What made you to decide to applying this company?

답변을 생각해보고 마우스를 아래 답변란에 대고 드래그 한후 스스로 확인해보세요

Your company is the biggest computer company in the world. I've desired to get a job where I can use my computer ability. I think the prospects for this field are very bright, and I want to have opportunities to apply my knowledge, working in this field. That's why I applied.

출처 : 인쿠르트
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